You are living in the wrong country

The world is no more the same. We were all moving (slowly, but surely) in the direction of an open, free world but major events over last couple of years are reversing the direction - Brexit (where Britain voted itself out of EU to 'protect' jobs), recent events in US (travel ban, termination of free trade agreements and increasing trend of hate crimes), many countries refusing Syrian refugees, China's aggression in South China Sea - threatening the rights/sovereignty of many countries, and so on. We are moving in a direction where self interest of a country trumps betterment of human kind, and a country's fortunes could dwindle very quickly by actions of another country. In such a scenario, how do you determine if you are living in the 'right' country? What is the future of mankind? Is this the start of the end of human race? - These questions look far fetched? Read on...
Over the generations, humans have evolved from being tribal groups (terrified of unknowns and restricting themselves within their tribe) to move into a globalised world. Along this evolution, each of us carried multiple identities - that of Community, Culture, Caste (in context of India), Race (in certain countries), Religion etc. These identities drove our actions/behaviours and how we engage with other people. They created a boundary - us Vs them - we related & identified better with people who carried a similar identity and were suspicious of others. While each of these identities dominated behaviours/actions for a period of time, with better awareness & education, we overcame these limitations in thinking. More importantly, we learnt to respect and accept people that carried a different identity to ourselves. In some people and in certain contexts, some of these identities do take a dominant expression but at an overall level, we have evolved beyond these identities.
We are now operating with biggest identity of our lifetime - that of nationalism (identity of country that we are born into). This is creating a new divide of 'us Vs them' that many politicians are taking advantage of. Why should we differentiate people based on an imaginary geographical boundary? Why is it OK to lose job to someone within our own country but not to someone outside of the country? Why do we criticise one limitation in thinking (that of Religion, Race, Culture) while celebrate another limitation (that of nationalism)? Hasn't the time come for us to evolve our mindsets to think beyond limitations of a country and focus on larger mankind?
We are now operating in a new World and following points, at a broad level, will help understand the changing dynamics:
  • Safety of Jobs - One of the biggest concerns on immigrants or globalisation is loss of jobs. There has always been a worry about how 'my income' is impacted by job losses to another person in another country (or from another country). However, the reality is that today, more jobs are lost to technology than to other people. With advancement of Artificial Intelligence, millions of jobs will be eliminated. Today, a technological innovation in silicon valley can wipe out thousands of jobs across the world. This cannot be controlled or managed by any single country on their own and no country can isolate itself from the impact.
  • Security - Terrorism has become a bigger security threat than another country. Today, more people are likely to get killed by a terrorism incident than that of a war. Incidentally, Terrorism has gone truly global. They do not operate within any geographical boundary. Similarly, Countries have to come together to address this security threat. No single country can address it on their own
  • Sustainability - Inorder for human race to sustain, it is important to protect our planet. Climate change is a huge concern (though some people continue to deny the problem). Recent discussions between countries on addressing climate change focused primarily on their own interest over the interests of the overall world. We finally arrived at Paris accord that agreed on cutting down greenhouse emissions in a phased manner by various countries. However, it takes just one country to break this accord and set the World back by many years. If we need to sustain as a human race, we need to think at a global level - not at the country level
  • Strength - With advancement of medicine, average life expectancy of humans is increasing. Yet at the same time, we are seeing potential uprise of superbugs that require serious medical intervention & innovation to contain them. Today, we are operating in a world where a superbug could spread across the world and eliminate significant numbers of human race in a very quick time. While such an incidence is a rarity, it's impact is humongous. No single country can contain it on their own and no single country can address it on their own. It requires collaboration and thought process beyond these geographical boundaries
  • Supply - Today, as we think more a country level, to protect our borders from aggression of another country, we spend significant amount of money on Defence. $1.7 Trillion is the annual defence spend in the World (ranging from 0.7% GDP to 16% GDP across various countries). Imagine the benefits that many countries can achieve if we direct a significant component of this spend towards better Health & Education of people, who are deprived of it? If only, we can grow beyond the limitation of thinking at a country level
We are living in a fast paced world. Future is changing at a dramatic pace that no single human or group of humans can comprehend on their own. While innovation is beneficial for human race, it also presents threats, if unmanaged, could have drastic impact across the world. Hence, now more than ever, we need to think beyond nationalism as an identity and start to see & engage at a more humane level. Don't get me wrong. I am not saying patriotism is bad. I am extremely proud of my own cultural, community, religious and national identities. All of my values & behaviours are significantly influenced by these identities. However, I think the time has come for us to step beyond these identities and look at other people just as that - people - and engage with them irrespective of their nationality. It is important to transcend geographical boundaries (identity of a country) to think at a World level and find solutions at that level. It requires each one of us to influence our political process to collaborate and engage beyond the geographical boundaries and create new bodies to govern the World (under the ambit of UN).
It is no more about living in the right country but about countries coming together to create the right world
If we are unable to do that, we cannot manage the threats and will be the first species to self destruct. Isn't it ironical where the evolution of human mind without equivalent evolution of human ecosystem will be the cause for the destruction of human race? Will we overcome these limitations of our thought process or succumb to them? What do you think?
PS: All view points expressed here are personal. Intention of this article is not for it to be political but to get us to think at a broader level for benefit of mankind, without limitations of geographical boundaries. We cannot move into an open, country-less world but can definitely move into a more collaborative world.


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